"A Child Will Be Born To Us, A Son Will Be Given To Us" (Isa. 9:6)
Dec 22, 2024
3 min read
Children like to play a game called "Let's Pretend". Well, that's nothing new. Grown-ups play it all the time. Ever since the Fall in the Garden of Eden, the human race has been pretending that it is not responsible for its actions, passing on blame from one to another and making excuses for their wrong-doing. We have refused to recognize and to honor God, as God. In Adam, we all sinned, but in the Lord Yeshua, we have redemption for all who call upon Him in spirit and in truth and are born again by faith in His shed blood on the cross of Calvary, as the Lamb of God who was slain that we might have life and life eternal. Life and death draw us close to one another, as we rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.
A Future and A Hope is a ministry devoted to doing what we can, among other things, to save the lives of pre-born children from abortion. We do so, because God’s love compels us. In another three days, two holidays will take place at the same time, both having to do with light – one physical and one spiritual. Many will celebrate the Feast of Hanukkah (mentioned in the Apocryphal Book of the Maccabees and referred to as the “Feast of the Dedication” in John 10:22). At the same time, multitudes around the world will celebrate Christmas, on a date traditionally accepted as the time of Yeshua's birth. But, "what if" the inconceivable had happened? "What if" Yeshua was not born, because of a decision to abort Him? Under Israeli law as it exists today, His mother would have been approved for an abortion. While what follows is only "what if", for some it is their reality. May the Spirit of the Lord of Life spur us to pray for those who have not yet acknowledged God's gift of eternal life through Yeshua the Messiah.
What If?
Woe to the world, the Savior has not come; the earth still awaits her King;
We die for all the wrongs we've done, and seek a reason for our being.
While shepherds tend their flocks at night, no angel's voice is heard;
Over Bethlehem is no special light, no good news is shared, no, not a word.
Mary could not bear the shame - pregnant, but not yet married;
She will not give birth, nor will she name this child that she carried.
With morning rumors did abound of a child who was meant to be;
But, many excuses are always found to explain to those who would not see.
It did not take long for His life to end, as the Lamb of God was killed;
The Son that our Father chose to send, whose precious blood was spilled.
Please God, explain how can this be? What is it we have done?
We chose convenience over love and killed your only Son.
At times abortion seems so right, "it's just a thing, a blob of tissue";
When rationalized with guilt and fright, murder is not an issue.
We never chose His love for us, this Child from Mary's womb;
He never made it to the Cross, there is no empty tomb.
In trespasses and sins, we're lost, eternal hope is gone;
Only One could pay the price it costs to atone for what we've done.
Deep sorrow gripped my broken heart, in anguish tears did fall;
By killing Him I did my part to abort them - one and all.
Then suddenly I came to see that all that I had thought,
Was Satan's scheme to frustrate me and bring God's work to naught.
"No", I cried, "It's all a lie. The Son You sent was born;
"And on the Cross in time He died, amidst my people's scorn.
"His blood I know was shed for me, for forgiveness of my sins;
"I'll rejoice throughout eternity, because I'll be there with Him."
God's grace now wiped away my tears, I've awakened from my dream;
His love has replaced all my fears, my soul He did redeem.
Woe is gone, joy to the earth, the Light of Life has come,
And now we celebrate His birth, the gift of God’s dear Son.
© 2009 Marvin S. Kramer
May the Lord Yeshua, the true Light of the World, illumine your hearts and minds to honor Him in all your ways, grant you good health and strength and bless all that you do, say and think in 2025.